
Strong offer makes Suzuki Australia stop replacing screens 

Suzuki Australia Reverts to Factory-Fitted 7.0-inch Unit: No More Larger 9.0-inch Aftermarket Touchscreens

Strong offer makes Suzuki Australia stop replacing screens 

Suzuki Australia has recently announced that it will no longer fit larger 9.0-inch aftermarket touchscreens locally, as it reverts to the factory-fitted 7.0-inch unit. This decision has raised some questions about why Suzuki Australia is taking such a step and what it means for car owners. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this decision and what it means for the future of Suzuki vehicles in Australia.

Why is Suzuki Australia No Longer Fitting Larger 9.0-inch Aftermarket Touchscreens Locally?

The decision to revert to the factory-fitted 7.0-inch unit is based on several factors. Firstly, the larger 9.0-inch aftermarket touchscreens were not officially approved or tested by Suzuki Australia, which means that they may not meet the high standards set by the company. This could potentially cause issues with the functionality and reliability of the touchscreens, which could in turn impact the overall driving experience.

Strong offer makes Suzuki Australia stop replacing screens 

Secondly, fitting larger aftermarket touchscreens can also void the warranty of the vehicle. This is because the installation of non-genuine parts may cause damage to the car’s electrical system, which could lead to expensive repairs in the future. By reverting to the factory-fitted 7.0-inch unit, Suzuki Australia can ensure that all components of the vehicle meet the company’s standards and that the warranty remains valid.

What Does This Mean for Car Owners?

Strong offer makes Suzuki Australia stop replacing screens 

For car owners who have already fitted larger aftermarket touchscreens, this decision may be disappointing. However, it is important to remember that Suzuki Australia is making this decision with the safety and reliability of their vehicles in mind. By sticking to factory-fitted components, they can ensure that their cars meet the highest standards of quality and safety.

For new car buyers, the decision to revert to the factory-fitted 7.0-inch unit means that they can have peace of mind knowing that their vehicle is fitted with components that meet Suzuki Australia’s high standards. This will also ensure that the warranty remains valid, which can save car owners money in the long run.

What Other Options are Available for Car Owners?

Strong offer makes Suzuki Australia stop replacing screens 

While Suzuki Australia will no longer be fitting larger 9.0-inch aftermarket touchscreens, car owners still have options if they want to upgrade their car’s entertainment system. There are many third-party companies that offer compatible components that are approved by Suzuki Australia. These components may include larger touchscreens, as well as other features such as Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

It is important to note, however, that installing non-genuine parts can still void the warranty of the vehicle. Car owners should always check with their dealer or mechanic before making any modifications to their vehicle.


Suzuki Australia’s decision to revert to the factory-fitted 7.0-inch unit means that the company is committed to providing high-quality and reliable vehicles to their customers. While it may be disappointing for car owners who have already fitted larger aftermarket touchscreens, it is important to remember that this decision is in the best interest of safety and reliability.

Car owners still have options if they want to upgrade their car’s entertainment system, but it is important to ensure that any modifications are approved by Suzuki Australia to avoid voiding the warranty. By sticking to factory-fitted components, car owners can ensure that their vehicle meets the highest standards of quality and safety.

What Car Care.

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